Plavix (Prescription)
Norphar Prices: Drugs from Canada - Price in American Dollars.
Drug Name and Quantity Per Container |
Generic Name |
Drugstore.com Price |
You Save |
75mg |
Clopidogrel |
$100.79 |
$83.04 |
22% |
75mg 3 x 28 pills/package = 84 pills |
Clopidogrel |
$288.39 |
$220.60 |
30% |
![]() |
Platelet inhibitors such as Plavix act to prevent blood clots from forming by keeping certain cells from clumping together. They will not break up existing blood clots, and should not be used by individuals with bleeding problems like hemophillia or ulcers.
Plavix is used to reduce the risk of future heart attack and stroke in atherosclerosis for individuals who've already had a stroke or were diagnosed with peripheral artery disease. Plavix may also be used in conjunction with aspirin to treat unstable angina, again, reducing the risk of death from heart attack or stroke.
Plavix is only available by prescription. Use of Plavix should be continued under physician supervision, and not discontinued until your doctor feels it's necessary.
Always inform medical personnel that you are using Plavix. Carry a card or MedicAlert jewelry so that emergency personnel will know even if you become unconscious. Inform your pharmacist, dentist, and any other doctors you see.
Speak to your doctor immediately if you experience any unusual bleeding.
You take care to avoid injury while using Plavix.. Avoid cutting yourself, shaving with a razor, or using a hard toothbrush. Avoid contact sports or other high risk activities, and report any falls or blows (especially head injuries) to your doctor. Serious internal bleeding could occur without your knowledge.
Minimize alcohol consumption, as heavy drinking may increase the risk of bleeding. Have no more than one or two drinks per occasion, and avoid drinking daily.
Plavix should be stopped only under the guidance of your physician. It will take some time after you stop using Plavix for your blood's clotting ability to return to normal, so continue to take precautions for as long as your doctor suggests.
Take your medicine as soon as possible if you should miss a dose of Plavix. Do not double doses of Plavix if you forget until the next day, as bleeding may result. Skip missed doses of Plavix, and report missed doses to your doctor.
Store Plavix away from direct light and heat. Store in a dry location; avoid storing it in the bathroom, near sinks, or other areas where it may become damp. Do not use after the expiration date.
Keep Plavix away from children; both when storing it, and when discarding any unused medication.
This medication has not been adequately studied for safety during pregnancy, though it has not been shown to cause birth defects in animal studies. Speak to your doctor about the benefits and risks of treatment.
Plavix should not be combined with breastfeeding. Plavix should not be taken too soon after the birth of a child, as internal bleeding is more likely at this time.
Safety and effectiveness of Plavix is not determined for children. Individuals under the age of 18 are very unlikely to require this medication.
Seniors are at increased risk for unusual bleeding during treatment with Plavix, and should be carefully monitored. Have any injuries or falls, no matter how minor, attended by a physician. There is a higher risk of internal hemorrhage.
Blood levels of Plavix are higher in seniors, but the standard dose is usually prescribed. Be sure to report any grey or black stools to your doctor, as these would indicate stomach bleeding and may indicate that your treatment should be reevaluated.
Plavix is manufactured by Bristol-Meyers Squibb and Sanofi-Synthelabo
Note: This information is strictly for informational purposes and should not substitute
for the opinion of a doctor.
Norphar offers Plavix from Canada priced in American dollars for people whose
insurance covers prescription medication from Canada i.e. United Healthcare, or people in the U.S. that are uninsured or on Medicare that are underinsured for
prescription medication. The
prices and terms set forth on this page are subject to change without notice.
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