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   Thank you for your interest in our prescription service.
   You may place your order by following the instructions below. 

   To check the cost of your medication search Our Online Database before ordering.  

   Step 1. Print the Order Forms or Enroll Online.


Click Here to
Order Online


Click Pill to Print Forms


For Better Printing use the 
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) version.
   Step 2. Complete Your Order.

 There are three ways to complete your order

a. Fax the signed forms  and your prescription (or just your prescription if you enrolled online) to our toll free fax number:
1- 877- 807- 4831

b.   Mail the signed forms and the original prescription to us (or just the prescription if you enrolled online). 

c. Mail or fax the signed forms and have your doctor fax a copy of your prescription to us. (Or enroll online and have your doctor fax a copy of your prescription to us.)

If you are having any difficulty ordering call us Toll Free: 1-877-807-4831 

Currently we are unable to transfer prescriptions from other pharmacies.
It will take approximately TWO WEEKS for your medicine to arrive
 after we receive your completed order.

Toll Free Fax: 1- 877- 807- 4831

      Mail to:
1412 Berkshire Dr.
 Austin, TX 78723

Shipping Charges are $13.99 USD per package (NOT PER DRUG).

If you are having trouble printing the forms try downloading them in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat Reader).

If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader you can get it, by clicking the  icon. 


  Price Guide    I   Order Forms   I   Contact Us   I   FAQ   I   Home